Thank You...

Thank you for choosing D4H (Services) Ltd to supply and install your new septic tank system.  Your trust, faith and confidence in us is very much appreciated.  - Lisa Snow | Managing Director

Our gift to you | Bio-Activator

We include your initial pack of bio-activator with your septic tank system, along with a complimentary bottle of Bio WC gel to get you started.  
  • It is important that you complete the initial commissioning process to start your septic tank system and get it ready to perform at peak performance.

Next Steps | Commissioning 

We now need to commission your septic tank system and get it ready to perform and provide you with many decades of trouble free 'flush & forget' operation to effectively treat your waste water and sewage. 
It is important to follow the steps described below...

Bio-Activator | Features & Benefits 

Using a bio activator with a septic tank provides many features and benefits that are crucial for the optimal functioning and maintenance of the system. Here's an explanation of the importance of using a bio activator, along with its features and benefits:


  1. Biological Composition: Bio activators are typically composed of natural enzymes, bacteria, and other microorganisms that aid in the breakdown of organic matter.

  2. Safe and Eco-Friendly: They are environmentally friendly and safe for use in septic systems, as they do not contain harmful chemicals that can disrupt the natural balance of the system.

  3. Concentrated Formula: Bio activators often come in concentrated forms, requiring only small amounts to be effective, making them cost-efficient and easy to use.


  1. Enhanced Breakdown of Waste: Bio activators accelerate the breakdown of organic waste within the septic tank, promoting more efficient decomposition of solids, grease, and other substances. This helps prevent clogs and reduces the need for frequent pumping.

  2. Reduced Odors: By facilitating the decomposition process, bio activators help minimize unpleasant odors associated with septic systems. This can improve the overall environment around your property.

  3. Extended System Lifespan: Regular use of bio activators can extend the lifespan of the septic system by preventing buildup and reducing the likelihood of system failure. This can save you from costly repairs or replacements in the long run.

  4. Maintains System Performance: Bio activators help maintain the optimal balance of beneficial bacteria within the septic tank, ensuring the continued effectiveness of the system in treating wastewater and sewage.

  5. Prevents Soil Contamination: Proper decomposition of waste within the septic tank prevents the accumulation of harmful substances that could leach into the soil and groundwater, reducing the risk of environmental contamination.

  6. Complements Low-Flow Systems: In properties with low water usage or low-flow fixtures, bio activators can help compensate for the reduced input of waste into the septic tank, ensuring that the system remains active and functional.

  7. Easy Application: Bio activators are easy to use and can be added directly to the septic system through toilets or drains, requiring minimal effort on your part.

In conclusion, using a bio activator with a septic tank is essential for maintaining its functionality, preventing issues such as clogs and odors, and prolonging its lifespan. By promoting the natural decomposition of waste and ensuring a healthy bacterial balance, bio activators offer numerous benefits that contribute to the efficient and sustainable operation of septic systems.

Bio-Activator | Instructions for us

Your septic tank system is supplied with an initial pack of Bio-Activator to get you started and commission your septic tank for use.

  • It is important you complete this initial process, and ongoing maintenance/monthly dosing, to ensure the best and most effective performance of your septic tank system. 

We recommend, and supply you with, Microbec Bio-Activator.  After extensive testing, through trial and error, we identified Microbec to be the better option available and supply pack(s) with every septic tank system installation.

Microbec uses a patented method of encapsulating active bacteria within a protective coating. As a result, the bacteria are not destroyed by contact with chemical preparations and remain effective even when using traditional detergents

How To Use

Pour the dose directly into the toilet and flush twice.

First Dose (Activation)


Second Dose (Activation)

50g (24 hours after first dose)

Weekly Maintenance Dose 25g

For best results refrain entirely from chemical cleaners (e.g.bleach, acid) for the first week after initial activation dose.

  • Repeat activation process after long periods of inactivity or extremely cold weather.
  • In periods of heavy use (household members exceeding 6-8 people) increase the maintenance dose to 50g.

General Advice | Protect your investment

We want you to have many years of trouble-free use and operation.

Using a Septic Tank System as your sole on-site waste water and sewage solution requires a few behavioural changes from what you may be used to if you’ve never used a Septic Tank System before. 

So we have supplied the following information which we hope will answer any questions or concerns you may have. If you need any more advice or guidance give us a call free on 0800 4 00 22.

Your installation includes 1kg bio-activator (B2 & B3 systems) or 2kg bio-activator (B1 systems) plus a complementary 750ml w.c cleaning gel to ensure you have what you need immediately after commissioning your system.

Bio activator and septic tank friendly cleaning products are quite widely available. However, if you need advice, have any questions or wish to order additional Microbec products through us we will be pleased to help.

You can call us free on 0800 4 0022 

or email

Advice on Using Your Septic System

Your septic system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste. Pouring toxins down your drain can kill these organisms and harm your septic system. Whether you are at the kitchen sink, bathtub, or utility sink:

  • Avoid chemical drain cleaners. Use boiling water or a drain snake instead.
  • Never pour oil-based paints, solvents, or large volumes of toxic cleaners down the drain. Even latex paint waste should be minimised.
  • Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal. This will significantly reduce the amount of fats, grease and solids that enter your septic tank and could clog the drain field. Try using a compost pile for non-meat food waste

Do's and Don’ts - What can I flush down the toilet?

Only flush human waste and biodegradable toilet paper down the toilet.

Never flush these items down the toilet because they could clog your septic system and cause a failure:

  • Cooking grease or oil
  • Non-flushable wipes, such as baby wipes or other wet wipes
  • Photographic solutions
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Condoms
  • Dental floss
  • Diapers
  • Cigarette butts
  • Coffee grounds
  • Cat litter
  • Paper towels
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Household chemicals like gasoline, oil, pesticides, antifreeze,
    paint or paint thinner


Toilet Paper

Whilst normal amounts of suitable toilet paper will breakdown we recommend using a dedicated waste bin as far as possible.

The most suitable types are labeled biodegradable, recycled or septic-safe. These are usually single-ply toilet which breaks down faster and better.

Recycled toilet paper also has the advantages of being unbleached and inexpensive, and better for your system!

Cleaning Products

All cleaning products should be non-chlorine, non-ammonia, non-antibacterial, non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products. Most all-natural cleaners are septic safe.


Normal amounts of bleach and detergents are okay for your septic system. However, excessive amounts will damage the good bacteria in your septic system. Use bleach sparingly.

Water usage

All the water a household sends down its pipes ends up in its septic system. The more water a household conserves, the less water enters the septic system.

Efficient water use improves the operation of a septic system and reduces the risk of malfunctions. Use water wisely!


Washing machines.

Washing small loads of laundry on your washing machine’s large-load cycle wastes water and energy.

By selecting the proper load size, you will reduce water waste. If you are unable to select a load size, run only full loads of laundry.

Try to spread washing machine use throughout the week so as to allow your septic tank enough time to treat waste and prevent overfill.

Order more Bio-Activator

You can order more supplies of bio-activator, and WC Gel, directly from us. (other bio-activators are available to purchase from various retail outlets - although, we strongly recommend sticking with Microbec!)  This will be despatched via Ekont/Speedy to your local depot. 

Simply call us free on 0800 4 00 22 and we'll take care of the rest. 

We're here for you | Customer Support

Our septic tank systems are designed to be 'flush & forget' systems but we don't forget about you!  We're here for you.  Now, later and in years to come.

If you have any issues, concerns or questions about your septic tank system; it's operation, performance or anything, just call us and we'll be happy to help.
Call us free on 0800 4 00 22

Did we meet your expectations?

Our reputation is our greatest asset and we work hard to maintain our exemplary name in our industry.  Did we meet your expectations?

We really would appreciate an honest review of our service and performance while processing your order and ultimate installation.  Please take the time to review us on our Facebook page.

  • If, for any reason, you feel you cannot give us a Five Star Review please contact us immediately and we'll do whatever it takes to ensure you are absolutely happy.  

Maintaining your septic tank system | Guidance

How to Maintain your Septic Tank System:

Regular Inspection:

Schedule annual inspections.
Look for signs of leakage, blockages, or damage in the tank and drain field.

Monitor Water Usage:

Be mindful of water consumption to avoid overwhelming the system.
Fix leaks promptly and consider installing low-flow fixtures.

Proper Waste Disposal:

Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items like wipes, sanitary products, or chemicals.
Use septic-safe toilet paper and household cleaners to minimize disruption to the system's bacterial balance.

Pump Out Regularly:

Schedule regular pumping every 3-5 years, depending on household size and usage.
Pumping removes accumulated solids and prevents clogs and system failure.

Maintain Drain Field:

Avoid planting trees or shrubs near the drain field to prevent root intrusion.
Do not drive or park vehicles over the drain field to prevent compacting the soil.

Watch for Warning Signs:

Pay attention to signs of trouble such as slow drains, foul odors, or sewage backups.
Address issues promptly to prevent further damage to the system and avoid costly repairs.

Use Septic Tank Additives Wisely:

Consult with professionals before using additives, as some may harm the system's bacterial balance.
Only use additives recommended by experts and follow the instructions carefully.

Keep Records:

Maintain records of inspections, pumping schedules, and any repairs or maintenance performed.
These records can help track the system's health and identify potential issues early on.

Educate Household Members:

Educate everyone in the household about proper septic system care and usage.
Encourage responsible waste disposal practices to prolong the life of the system and prevent costly repairs.

At the first sign of any issues Call Us!
We're here for you.  Call Free: 0800 4 00 22